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More ChatGPT

I would like to share this limerick (humorous verse) with you … There once was a teacher named LizWhose newsletter was not one to missShe taught English with zeal*And made grammar a mealHer students...

ChatGPT and Small Talk

I’m sure most of you will have heard of ChatGPT, the chat bot which uses artificial intelligence to create and optimize language models. Sina (my son Marc’s partner) and I had a great time...

Student-Driven Learning

Hope you all had a nice weekend and could enjoy the snow which fell Friday night – it was like a winter wonderland here on Saturday morning! Did you know that in the UK,...

Season’s Greetings

Hope you’re all well and not feeling too stressed by the end-of-year madness 😊! In England everyone is asking, “Are you ready for Christmas”, meaning have you done your Christmas shopping, bought your tree,...

Christmas Cards

Those who know me will quite correctly guess that I have been busy writing my Christmas cards, private and business, 75 in all and each with a personal message (the British average!). You may...

Dear / Hi / Hello

Despite the sunny weather, it will soon be time to send Season’s Greetings (not Christmas greetings out of respect for those who do not celebrate Christmas) to your friends, colleagues and business partners so...

A Jammy Affair

Now, do you remember the lovely clip of the Queen, Paddington Bear and the marmalade sandwich? Well, do you know that in England, you are only allowed to use the word ‘marmalade’ if the...

Abba is Everywhere!

 I have just returned from the UK where I visited my dear Dad and the fantastic Abba Voyage show in London – an amazing digital show of light and technology where you think you...

The British and Queues

One thing that we will always remember about the death of our dear Queen is the long queue along the banks of the River Thames, where people waited patiently to pay their respects to...

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