Kategorie: Uncategorized

More on the Weather

I bet you guessed I would talk about the weather this week, didn’t you 😊. Some of you may know that it is NOT my weather, I am still very British when it comes...

The unsung Treasures of the East

I have just returned from a fascinating road trip around East Germany and was amazed by all the ‘unsung treasures’ we visited (to coin a phrase which a good friend of mine called the...

The Generation Gap

A couple of weeks ago I came across this article which has caused a lot of conversation in lessons – it’s about the skills I, a Baby Boomer (born 1946 – 1964), possess which...

Coronation Adjectives

I’m sure a lot of you watched some of the Coronation – even if it was just the highlights which couldn’t be missed 😊. So, what did you think of the extravagant event? Over...

The Coronation

It was very kind of 1 May to fall on a Monday this year 😊. In England, all public holidays are taken on a Monday to give everyone the chance to have a long...

Who Moved My Cheese?

As I write this, I am just on my way back from a very relaxing week with my 96-old Dad. I am so proud of him and his fitness – his life motto is...

Happy Easter!

Well it’s countdown to the Easter break and hope you’ll be doing something nice – even if it’s just chilling to some good films with nice Easter eggs 😊. Easter starts in the UK...

Success Stories

I always love to hear success stories from my students on their rocky path to perfect English and I’d like to share one with you today – from Marion. I have been teaching Marion...

Sofa and Spotlight

One thing I love about the weekends are my post-lunch naps (also called 40 winks!) on the sofa with the Saturday edition of the Wiesbadener Kurier – yes a REAL newspaper! I also enjoy...

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