Happy Easter!

Well it’s countdown to the Easter break and hope you’ll be doing something nice – even if it’s just chilling to some good films with nice Easter eggs 😊.

Easter starts in the UK with baking (well some of us 😉) and eating hot cross buns on Good Friday (Karfreitag). This is a photo of them.

These yummy sweet spiced buns with a cross on the top are surrounded by many superstitions (Aberglaube). One of them says that buns baked and served on Good Friday will not spoil or grow mouldy (schimmelig) during the following year. The last time I baked them they were so hard they couldn’t spoil any more 😊.

I used to love organizing Easter egg hunts when my children were small, particularly when they were too young to realise Mum was hiding the same eggs again and again! This fun tradition didn’t exist in England at the time so Auntie Liz was responsible for organizing this activity at big family holidays at Easter in the UK. The only problem was that as the children got older and older, they were more interested in hiding the eggs than finding them. And I won’t mention what happened to them one year when we had a hot Easter and hid them in the garden … So have a nice long weekend and fingers crossed the weather is nice!

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