Survival Strategies for Interviews

I recently read on a colleague’s website, “The problem is not the level of your English. The problem is how you feel when you speak it.”

The more I talk to my students, the more I am convinced this is true. I can also remember quite vividly when I arrived in Germany with a degree in German, French and Business Studies, how difficult it was for me to open my mouth and even say a few words of German (I know you may find that hard to believe 😊).

And I froze in panic when the phone rang … So I totally understand how some of you feel when speaking English, especially in an important professional situation like a job interview.

You need survival strategies for interviews to make you feel more confident. I recently wrote an article on the subject for one of my clients, The Boardroom.

Successful job interview – Topmanager Journal (

It is also important to take little steps and set yourself small goals to improve your confidence. Say to yourself that you will say one sentence in English on a regular video call, then two, three … etc. But don’t ever say no to taking part in a meeting in English – it is always good practice, no matter how much or little you say!

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